23 Feb

"We do not need magic to transform our world. We carry all of the power we need inside ourselves already."


– J.K. Rowling.

This is my hope for the week to simply have hope. We live in a world with such negativity that is hard to maintain and belief that everything will get better. In order for things to get better however, WE have to get better. WE have to be better, the first step to that place is to have hope. 

When something important goes wrong, you might feel as if nothing else can repair the damage. Things can go wrong any time, more times than you will usually expect.

Things getting tough happens when the situation is exerting more power than you. It gets you stuck and you feel the need of putting in more and more efforts. You give your best and depend on the final result which could be -that you are scared of the unknown or failing repeatedly.

Tips to stay hopeful when things get tough:

Do not give up

Refuse to give up on yourself more than anything. If you give up, you lose the chance and you don’t get to be checked for your ability to do those tasks. 

Take a break

You should take a break if you feel like you  need some time to get your mood right.

Make plans

Make plans on how you will make something better happen the next time. 

Ask for help

Ask your friend’s and family members to help you in completing your tasks by helping you with ideas, suggestions, etc.  

Stay committed

Once you have started a task, you should complete it on time. This requires commitment and lot of patience but this would yield something good in your life. (I know, I know this one is hard. I need a ot of work here my self).

See what you have

Even if you failed at something, your life didn’t end. You should see what you have currently and work on using that to your advantage. 

Motivational content

Make use of yt videos, songs, and other motivational content to keep you motivated. 

Spend time with yourself

Spend some time with yourself to understand why that task failed, what your thinking flaws were, etc. 

In the tough time, you get to learn about people who are always there. This is how you will get to know who your true friend are.  

To put it simply: seek joy, play often, and pursue adventure. Your brain will do the rest. Subscribe to my website to get more notifications of my blogs.  

Thanks for reading. 

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