While it's always nice to leave the kids at home and get away with your partner (or, heck, leave your spouse behind and travel solo lol), there are few things better than a good old fashioned family trip. Don’t get me wrong, we’ve had our fair share of meltdowns, car sickness, google map disasters, flat tire’s, hairy near misses, and family arguments. I mean what family don’t have a falling out on road trips? Whether its about who’s driving, or how sharp of a corner the other just took, we’ve all had road trip grumbles.
Putting the arguments aside, we have seen some amazing landscapes along the way.
Things I tell myself when I need time to regroup
This too shall pass
I'll laugh about this someday
This is not an emergency
I am grateful for this opportunity to travel together.
Family time✅
Learn the ocean✅
Family time ✅
Interact with people✅
Family time✅
Try foods that were not accustomed to✅
Family time ✅
Have fun✅
Oh and family time ✅
Like so much else with parenting, this helps me realize that traveling with children is so worth it even if it's not always easy.But traveling is educational and fun!! We have been travelling non stop with our children and loving it.. We took a road trip to Florida for spring break and we do this every year. It’s fun to go to new places with your children.. near and far… trips to the museum, the beach.. the playground.. a new country… a new restaurant.. to hike and have a picnic… bike rides.. everything counts👍🏼..after what we have experience with the Pandemic… everything can change in a minute… we don’t know tomorrow… but we have today and they grow sooo fast. Don’t be Discouraged by their age ( the younger they are the less you have to pay 😂) You do shape their heart and personality while creating memories for your family!!